Welcome to Select Blah!
Why call this SELECT BLAH?
Why not? This site is devoted to Data & Analytics, and the name pays homage to what I consider to be the best data manipulation language of them all - SQL (in all it’s flavours).
As for the BLAH part of it? Because the domain was available! It’s really just a shortening of ‘blah-blah-blah’, which has often been used to describe me going on about subjects which I enjoy and am passionate about. Which often means I go on, and on, and on.
adverb and so on; and so forth
noun meaninless chatter; idle gossip
The name is entertaining and funny for me - so the name will stick (until I get bored and change it).
Why am I doing this?
I’ll be honest - the first reason I am doing this is for my own benefit. At the moment my process of documenting technical things consists of a OneNote notebook which is poorly formatted, poorly updated and always incomplete. Therefore, I am hoping that wanting to put content up a blog will lead me to document my own solutions in better detail, ensure that it’s not missing critical steps and encourage me to actually document solutions.
The second reason is quite simple - to help people who have suffered through the same annoyances as me. I have lost enough hair along the way.
What to expect?
Hopefully there will be some great technical content. I like to keep things practical, so a lot of what I post will be based on scenarios that come to me in my job or scenarios that I have to deal. There may also be a little sarcasm, some snark and a few Australian-isms 🦘.
Where should I complain provide suggestions or feedback?
At the moment, there is no comment facility for this website 🤷♂️, I might add that as time goes on. Nonetheless I welcome any and all feedback - so please reach out if you like the content, hate the content or want to see a post about something.
The site is generated from GitHub Pages and the GitHub Repo is open - so feel free to raise an issue here. Alternatively you can reach me at:
About this site
This site is hosted on GitHub Pages from a public repository. Jekyll is being used to allow me to develop it and then push it to GitHub.
This site is based off the ‘Flexible-Jekyll’ template from blah available at blah. I have made some minor modifications (probably in a way that would make most web developers cringe).
If you have any concerns about any content on this site please reach out to me on Twitter or Email.